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Community Guidelines


FUZE is a place where every type of gamer and person is welcome regardless of gender, beliefs, skin color, game preferences, disabilities, religion, or sexual orientation.Don’t share any sexual content, don’t be racist, don’t bully, don’t insult, and don’t use hate speech. In addition, graphic, lewd, or explicitly sexual content is prohibited. 

We also understand politics are an all encompassing topic, but we encourage you to leave IRL politics, or any other hot topic issues out of this community. FUZE was created to be a refuge from other social media apps. That being said, we know video games can broach a wide variety of topics and we encourage open minded discussion and constructive conversation when applicable!

Overall don’t be a jerk, it takes so much effort to be angry and hate. We’re all humans and gamers. And we’re all in this together to celebrate gaming and make FUZE the best it can be. Feel free to reach out if you’re unsure or have questions!

To Make A Short Story Long
FUZE was created as a way for gamers to connect with each other, share stories, and celebrate their gaming journey and experiences.

These community guidelines exist to guide moderation, inform users, and protect the community of FUZE.These community guidelines exist to guide moderation, inform users, and protect the community of FUZE. Ignoring the guidelines will result in warnings. Unheeded warnings will result in account deletion and being banned from the app.We are committed to making FUZE the best community and we hope you are too.

  • Share only photos and videos that you’ve taken or have the right to share, if you share an artist’s work, credit the artist. You own the content you post on FUZE. Only post content you own or are authorized to use.

  • Realize that there is a diverse audience in FUZE from different cultures, backgrounds, and ages. We aim to create and encourage a positive and diverse community. Keep this in mind when deciding to post content. Try to post content that is appropriate for our diverse audience. 

    • Any content that contains hate speech or encourages violence in any way or fashion will be removed. 

    • Content glorifying or poking fun at physical disabilities, mental health problems, or self injury will be removed.

    • If a post contains these subjects, but is posted to raise awareness, we will allow it. Please be meaningful and state your intent. Most of all, be thoughtful when posting.

  • Nudity is not allowed on FUZE, nor is pornography or any type of hardcore explicit sexual content.
    We understand that characters in gaming can be in lewd or provocative outfits-this is not what we are referring to. Our rules on what is defined as nudity or sexual content not allowed on the app will follow the ruling from 1964 United States Supreme Court ruling. In which, Justice Potter Stewart attempted to explain explicit and pornographic content by stating, "I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced…but I know it when I see it ..."

  • Create content that encourages real and genuine interaction. FUZE does not allow the use of bots, low effort content spamming, misleading content nor content that is created to purposefully incite or create negative reactions.

  • If it’s illegal in real life, it’s illegal in FUZE
    FUZE does not allow content that supports terrorism, organized crime, hate groups, or illegal activities. This includes offering sexual services, buying or selling firearms, alcohol, tobacco, non-medical drugs, or live animals between private individuals. Content promoting or coordinating drug use, poaching, or the sale of endangered species is also prohibited.

  • Be mindful of and respect other users. Do not attempt to dox users or obtain their personal information.

  • You do not need our permission when hosting legal giveaways. Please refer to your area’s laws for guidelines.

  • Content posted that contains sexual content with minors or violence towards minors will result in an immediate ban. And FUZE reserves the right to contact law enforcement in a situation like this.

We Will Need Your Help to Keep The Community Positive And Strong
Fuze would not be where it is without the incredible users who call it home. If you see something that you believe violates community guidelines, report it. There is an in-app reporting feature. Along with that you may DM a PM Studios employee if the situation warrants.
We understand that some users may not like content posted by another user that does not violate the guidelines. In this situation, there is a block feature. Please do not report content simply because you do not like it.
Issues may arise when passing judgment on a user’s removed content. Disagreements and disputes will be resolved through a multi-person process. Employees of FUZE and PM Studios will collaborate to issue final judgment on a whole ban or appeal process.

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